Monday 17 January 2011

A Good Start...

Major deja vu but I'll write it anyway... today started well...

I wanted to be able to enjoy my breakfast for a change...which meant waiting until the baby had his nap - kind of getting fed up of having to do one spoon for me, one spoon for him at every mealtime - he starts squealing indignantly if I dare to deny him "his" share!!! I had a latte to keep me going - he hasn't developed a caffeine habit yet luckily! :-D

Once baby got sleepy I put him in my cot and set about preparing breakfast. I simmered some cranberries with half a chopped apple (other half had gone bad - using up unwanted food!)...

at the same time I boiled a couple of eggs for healthy snacks for later (hoping to help me avoid the biscuit tin!) organised me, see!

Back to breakfast, I had the cooked fruit with some more Yeo Valley apple flapjack yoghurt...this flavour is really yummy, has little cubes of apple in it too :)

unfortunately yoghurt bowls don't look anywhere near as good as porridge bowls! This tasted lovely and fresh, but I missed my porridge today, especially as it was so grey & grizzly outside! Think I've already decided what I'll be having for breakfast tomorrow! :)

The yoghurt did however keep me going til lunch (albeit only a few hours later due to late breakfast). To help make lunchtimes easier, I'd bought a few microwaveable veg pots from Waitrose. Today's was broad beans, leeks and cabbage with minted butter...

I had this with a meat-free "chicken" style fillet on top...

this worked really well, it was lovely to be able to have a hot meal at lunchtime without really any more effort than making a sandwich, yum!

Mid-afternoon I had one of my pre-boiled eggs with a little bit of mayonnaise to dip it in...

I was really looking forward to dinner today - I had meant to cook it last night but due to having to take daughter to local hospital to see out of hours doctor there was no time. Chicken and mushroom casserole with mashed potato and broccoli...

this is actually really easy to make, just takes 1.5 hours in oven but can be pretty much left alone for most of that time. Just brown the chicken thighs with some butter, pour on some stock (not to completely cover, can always add extra water if necessary) and put in oven at 180C for 1 hour. Then add mushrooms and cook for another 30 minutes, whilst doing the mashed potato and broccoli. When casserole is cooked, remove from oven and once no longer bubbling stir in some redcurrant jelly and cream before serving.

Delish! My Mum used to make this for us a lot as a child - one of the few things that both my fussy sisters would eat - I love it! :)

All in all, today had been a good day...until the children were in bed and Liam uttered the words "I really want chocolate" that is. A chunky KitKat for each of us later, and I'm slightly annoyed at myself!

Oh well, still a lot food-wise than a lot of days recently, just got to keep at it :)

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